The classic GB&W depot at Whitehall, Wis. was offered for sale on a sealed
bid basis and bids will be accepted until 4:00 pm Friday, June 14, 2002.
The ad shows a phone number of 715-538-2150 for viewing and an address of
Jacobson, PO Box 403, Whitehall, WI 54773 for the bids.
I am not connected to the seller in any way, only saw the ad and wanted to
spread the word. As with others on this list I have a soft spot for this depot
since it is little changed by the years and looks as though the last passenger
train just left.
The owner has several offers and none of them involve tearing down the
structure. He informed me that this building has been through several owners
since the GB&W. He also told me that the Canadian National Railroad has a
say in what goes on as far as what the building is used for.
Information and copy of ad provided by Dean Sauvola, with additional
information from John Strenski.